How to Dropship & How to Locate Dropshippers?
How to Dropship & How to Locate Dropshippers?
Have you ever been driving down the road and seen a bunch of large warehouse looking buildings Perhaps this is the industrial section of your community. More than likely these buildings that you see are used by drop shippers and other companies. These building are not opened to the general public for the most part. They house wholesale merchandise that is ordered by retail businesses for retail sales.
These buildings are scattered all over and they fill dropship orders. The first thing you must do is to find a company that will drop ship for you. Find out what the guidelines for the company are before you agree to do business with them. Once you have decided which company you are going to use and the merchandise you plan to sell you are ready to pick the venue you plan to use to get customers. Drop shipping is very easy and convenient.
Most businesses that use this method of delivery seem to be very pleased. After you have collected the money for the merchandise from the customer, send the wholesale cost of the merchandise to your dropshipper; along with the money send the information as specified by the guidelines from the company. The drop shipper will then send the merchandise directly to the customer. That is all there is to. It is a very simple process; once you have worked with the company and established guidelines that you will adhere to in the processing of each order. If you don't already know how to dropship you will find it a very easy process, and a convenient way to get merchandise to your customers. When you begin to get orders you will find that it is of uttermost importance that you keep good records of all transactions. You will need to keep a record of all orders if you have a copy machine it is advisable that you make a copy of all of your orders. Of course you will have a copy on your computer but sometimes as we know computers go down and you need a backup copy so keep a hard copy or paper copy of all orders. Organize your files in alphabetical order or what ever way you choose. For your dropshipping records, you need to keep them in a file cabinet for future references.
Make sure these files are accessible so if you have a drop ship inquiry from a customer you can quickly and efficiently retrieve the file. Many times a customer will e-mail you concerning a drop ship order that has not arrived. Check with your drop ship provider before returning a call or an e-mail. If an order that you dropship is damaged, it is better to satisfy that customer if it all possible to the customer's satisfaction. In other words take the loss and keep the customer. In the long run drop shipping can be fun and rewarding. Keep an eye out for new merchandise that you can drop ship. You just may want to increase your business by adding another drop ship company to your list. Keep abreast of the market so you will know the hot items on the market. Find a supplier and add to your drop ship inventory.
How to Locate Dropshippers?
Make no mistake about it drop shippers are plentiful. There are several sources for finding names and addresses and phone numbers full Dropshippers. Perhaps the number one place to look is the Internet. You are sure to pull up an abundance of names all of which one your business.
If for one reason are a number you do not find what you are looking for. You can still use the public library go to the business section and you are sure to find any number of bound directories that will lead you to Dropshippers of your choice. Your local telephone director he may lend a helping hand to you with a local source. If so you may want to call them by telephone first, because in most Dropshippers are not open to the public.
After all these are wholesale venues and they do not have display space. Bookstores will offer you a quick glance at some of the directors. They are bookstores that will allow you to sit and look through any book that is available in the store. And the same bookstores have a wide range of magazines available that will give you a chance to look at trade magazines. These magazines will list a number of drop shippers, giving addresses telephone numbers and all the information you need to get in contact with Dropshippers. When you have contacted a few of these Dropshippers you will begin to get mail and telephone calls from other Dropshippers and other businesses. It seems that your name is put on a mailing list immediately after you have made contact with one or more of these Dropshippers.
You will begin to get mailing lists and other pieces of mail from all kinds of Dropshippers. There is no shortage of Dropshippers but make sure that you do a thorough and comprehensive search so that you will find the Dropshippers with whom you will enjoy doing business. You will also receive wholesale list in the mail. Some of these companies will dropship but be careful because some will just send you wholesale merchandise. It is important that you find Dropshippers who will send single or small quantity orders. Since all Dropshippers will not fit into your scheme of things make sure you know the policies is and guidelines of each company. Don't hesitate to call and asked the company questions if you do not see answers in the catalogs and other literature that you may have on hand.
Prepare an index listing of the names and other pertinent information of all Dropshippers with whom you may do business. Let this be a flexible index so that you can add and delete Dropshippers at will. Most of the dropship companies are customer friendly because they are looking also to increase their bottom line. Dropshippers are a major asset to small companies and help out in many ways. Drops shippers save small businesses in gas and time. If it were not for Dropshippers you would have to factor in the cost of gas, maintenance and the wear and tear on your vehicle.